We believe that church is the House of the Lord, where He is the focal point of everything that we do. He is to be worshipped and ministered in His church. In order to effectively minister to the community around us, we need to first learn to minister unto God . The core of church gatherings is to worship and minister unto God, to experience and to be in His presence. This is the very starting place for all other ministries.
Exodus 33:11 // 1 Sam 3:1 // Acts 13:2
We place a high value on the liberty of the Spirit to operate unhindered. God is God, and we let Him move as He wants, even if He does things that we don’t understand at that very moment. As we give room to the Holy Spirit, with time we will also see fruit from His work. We also believe in the freedom to be who we have been created to be. God created us all different; it is God’s design. As such, each person will be honored, valued, and celebrated.
1Th 5:16-21, Gal 5:1
We firmly believe that God, as a God of honour, calls us as followers of Christ to demonstrate honor and respect toward the authorities He has appointed over us. According to biblical teachings, church leaders and ministers of the Word are deserving of double honor. Maintaining a culture of honor is essential for experiencing the presence and power of God among us. Conversely, dishonoring what God has honored fosters an atmosphere of disbelief (Matt 13:55-58). Therefore, it is imperative for the church to cultivate an environment of honor, where everyone is esteemed for who they are, while also addressing conflicts with truth and love.
Matt 13:55-58, 1 Tim 5:17, Romans 13:1
We strongly believe that missions are a fundamental aspect of a thriving church community. Our purpose extends beyond our own needs; we exist to advance the cause of Jesus Christ. While the methods and strategies of engaging in missions may evolve over time, our overarching calling remains constant.
Matt 28:19 / Acts 1:8
We believe that the church should mirror the essence of God’s family. Families hold significant value, and this should be evident in the way we conduct our church affairs. A family is a safe space where individuals can freely express their joys and sorrows.
Eph 3:14-15
God is a generous God and we as believers and the local church are called into this as a lifestyle.
John 3:16
We believe character is more important than gifting. “Faithful, Available, Teachable”
Phil 2:5-8 / John 13:12-17